Participate in pain research

CIC (Head of department : Pr Gisèle Pickering)

The Clinical Investigation Center (CIC Inserm 1405), Clermont-Fd University Hospital, has been certified since 2005, with several components in clinical research, pediatrics and oncology. The Clinical Investigation Platform (PIC/CIC) is multi-thematic and supports all types of studies, academic and industrial, including studies of tolerance, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, pain, health, vaccinology, physiology and nutrition.

CETD (Head of department : Pr Nicolas Authier)

The center receives consultations with adults suffering from chronic pain, that is to say, which has been present for more than 6 months and has not found therapeutic solutions, whether medicinal or non-medicinal. Requesting patients must be referred by their treating physician.

Analgesia Institute (President: Professor Nicolas Authier)

The ANALGESIA Institute is a partnership foundation approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research since February 2016. The first pain research foundation in France, ANALGESIA draws on more than 20 years of expertise in pain , thanks to the work of the NEURO-DOL team. 

The Foundation acts concretely by building and coordinating care and research programs, with a fundamental principle: putting the patient at the heart of each project.

It thus aims for multidimensional innovation, particularly in the fields of e-health (e-cohort, digital therapies, virtual reality, remote monitoring, etc.) and data analysis (big data, algorithms, machine learning, etc.). .

Its ambition: to allow millions of French people to return to a life that is no longer invaded by pain!

Body Donation Center (Director: Pr Laurent Sakka)

The progress of our research also benefits from the donation of the body for teaching and research purposes. The choice to donate one’s body to science and education should not be confused with organ donation, which has a therapeutic purpose and allows transplants to be carried out on sick people.