Céline MELIN (EN)


My general research theme concerns the pathophysiology and management of acute and chronic orofacial pain. I am particularly interested in endogenous pain controls. I initially carried out fundamental research work, particularly on “gate control”. I am currently working on cortical controls by evaluating, for example, the impact of hypnotic communication on the painful sensations of patients during the act of dental anesthesia. I am also interested in chronic pain and in particular stomatodynia and persistent dentoalveolar pain for which we are evaluating new treatment modalities.




Medical imaging, Pass-Las interventions, initiation to research, acute and chronic orofacial pain, diagnosis and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment, medical hypnosis DU.


  • Competent Person in Radiation Protection for the faculty of dentistry
  • Responsible for the pain teaching module (odontology students)
  • Responsible for the consultation of chronic orofacial pain

HAL Publications